Guidelines For Health Supply Chain Roles And Responsibilities
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Jan 13 2022


The Ministry is committed to facilitate the provision of basic health services that are good, quality, equitable, accessible, affordable, and sustainable and gender sensitive. To attain this, it is critical to ensure availability of medicines and other health commodities at all levels of the supply chain. Hence, a well-coordinated supply chain system is crucial in assuring un- interrupted supply of essential health commodities.

This document aims to describe the roles and responsibilities of various actors at different levels of supply chain management of health commodities in the public health sector of Tanzania. It will be used as a reference guide by the ministry responsible for health, the ministry responsible for regional administration and local government, Ministry of Finance and Planning (MOFP), Medical Stores Department (MSD), Tanzania Medicines and Medical Devices Authority (TMDA), Regional Health Management Teams (RHMT), Council Health Management Teams (CHMT), health facilities, and supply chain implementing partners and development partners that are directly engaged in supply chain management.

As a one go-to document, this guideline will set the premise for coordination of tasks and activities between different supply chain stakeholders at the institutional level and even provide template or framework for job description to supply chain outcomes...