API Documentation

This is a guide for health facilities that would wish to integrate policies, guideline and standard operating procedures into their hospital management systems.


CSSC offers these guidelines in a programmatic way throu an open API. This API is free of charge. The API provides policies, guidelinen and standard operating procedures that are avilabe on Ministry of Healyh website. This API documentation is for health facilities that would wish to integrate policies, guideline and standard operating procedures into their hospital management systems.

URI and Versioning

We hope to improve the API over time. The changes won't always be backward compatible, so we're going to use versioning. This first iteration will have URIs prefixed with


and is structured as described below.There is currently no rate limit.

For versioning purposes, only removal of a non-optional field or alteration of an existing field will be considered incompatible changes. Consumers should gracefully handle additional fields they don't expect, and simply ignore them.


There are several API properties, that with names which make them self explanatory

Field Details
id Unique id for each document.
document_title This is the document title as it is written on top cover.
document_description This is ducument summary, mostly rom the foreword or introduction.
document_category This is clas to which the documents belongs.
document_release_year This shows the year the document was released for use
document_download_link A link to download the document
download_count How many times the document was downloaded

GET all documents




{ "data":[ { "id":"61dfa6fb6be20", "document_title":"Standard Operating Procedures For Hepatitis B Vaccination In Adults", "document_description":"

Hepatitis B is a disease caused by the Hepatitis B virus (HBV) which can lead to serious\nhealth problems in the liver, including liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. Transmission of\nthe HBV occurs when an individual comes into contact with the blood, semen, or other\nbody fluid of an infected person. Many people that are infected with the HBV do not have\nany symptoms, so it is emphasized for high-risk individuals to be screened and\nvaccinated against Hepatitis B.


Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections are major causes of\nacute and chronic liver diseases (e.g. cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma)\nglobally and cause an estimated 1.4 million deaths annually. It is estimated that, at\npresent, 248 million people are living with chronic HBV infection, and that 110 million\npersons are HCV-antibody positive, of which 80 million have active viraemic\ninfection. The burden of chronic HBV and HCV remains disproportionately high in\nlow- and middle-income countries (LMICs), particularly in Asia and Africa. In\nTanzania, the prevalence of HBV ranges from 5.5 - 20% while that of HCV is below\n5%. This was reported in several subpopulation studies in different parts of the\ncountry


Tanzania introduced Hepatitis B Vaccine in 2002, which is routinely offered to infants\nin the National Immunization Program. Despite this notable intervention, the country\nremains with a pool of unvaccinated groups who were born before 2002.\nFurthermore, Hepatitis B vaccinations may be required in certain circumstances such\nas during pilgrimage, international sports, games, travellers and other international\nevents. Also, the HBV vaccination is required to groups such as health workers,\nmilitary and security agencies and long-distance truck drivers who are at a higher\nrisk of exposure due to the nature of their occupations. In addition, HBV vaccination\nis important in key and vulnerable populations to reduce transmission of the disease.

", "document_category":"Standard Operating Procedures", "document_release_year":"2018", "document_download_link":"https://miongozoafya.or.tz/3/standard-operating-procedures-for-hepatitis-b-vaccination-in-adults.pdf", "download_count":3 }, { }, { }, { }, { }, { }, { }, { }, { }, { }, { }, { }, { }, { }, { } ], "links":{ "first":"https://miongozoafya.or.tz/api/miongozo?page=1", "last":"https://miongozoafya.or.tz/api/miongozo?page=5", "prev":null, "next":"https://miongozoafya.or.tz/api/miongozo?page=2" }, "meta":{ "current_page":1, "from":1, "last_page":5, "links":[ { "url":null, "label":"« Previous", "active":false }, { "url":"https://miongozoafya.or.tz/api/miongozo?page=1", "label":"1", "active":true }, { "url":"https://miongozoafya.or.tz/api/miongozo?page=2", "label":"2", "active":false }, { "url":"https://miongozoafya.or.tz/api/miongozo?page=3", "label":"3", "active":false }, { "url":"https://miongozoafya.or.tz/api/miongozo?page=4", "label":"4", "active":false }, { "url":"https://miongozoafya.or.tz/api/miongozo?page=5", "label":"5", "active":false }, { "url":"https://miongozoafya.or.tz/api/miongozo?page=2", "label":"Next »", "active":false } ], "path":"https://miongozoafya.or.tz/api/miongozo", "per_page":15, "to":15, "total":61 } }

GET specific document

It requires id to retrieve one document




{ "data": { "id": "61dfa6fb6be20", "document_title": "Standard Operating Procedures For Hepatitis B Vaccination In Adults", "document_description": "

Hepatitis B is a disease caused by the Hepatitis B virus (HBV) which can lead to serious health problems in the liver, including liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. Transmission of the HBV occurs when an individual comes into contact with the blood, semen, or other body fluid of an infected person. Many people that are infected with the HBV do not have any symptoms, so it is emphasized for high-risk individuals to be screened and vaccinated against Hepatitis B.

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) and Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections are major causes of acute and chronic liver diseases (e.g. cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma) globally and cause an estimated 1.4 million deaths annually. It is estimated that, at present, 248 million people are living with chronic HBV infection, and that 110 million persons are HCV-antibody positive, of which 80 million have active viraemic infection. The burden of chronic HBV and HCV remains disproportionately high in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), particularly in Asia and Africa. In Tanzania, the prevalence of HBV ranges from 5.5 - 20% while that of HCV is below 5%. This was reported in several subpopulation studies in different parts of the country

Tanzania introduced Hepatitis B Vaccine in 2002, which is routinely offered to infants in the National Immunization Program. Despite this notable intervention, the country remains with a pool of unvaccinated groups who were born before 2002. Furthermore, Hepatitis B vaccinations may be required in certain circumstances such as during pilgrimage, international sports, games, travellers and other international events. Also, the HBV vaccination is required to groups such as health workers, military and security agencies and long-distance truck drivers who are at a higher risk of exposure due to the nature of their occupations. In addition, HBV vaccination is important in key and vulnerable populations to reduce transmission of the disease.

", "document_category": "Standard Operating Procedures", "document_release_year": "2018", "document_download_link":"https://miongozoafya.or.tz/3/standard-operating-procedures-for-hepatitis-b-vaccination-in-adults.pdf", "download_count": 3 } }


Searching documents with specific keywords is a work in progress.


The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

Security Vulnerabilities

If you discover a security vulnerability within API, please send an e-mail to CSSC IT Department via it-help@cssc.or.tz. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.